Portfolio and projects
My past work has included writing an award-winning book, creating a website to track environmental trends, leading strategic planning for nonprofits, and evaluating grantmaking for foundations.

Design to Win: Philanthropy’s Role in the Fight Against Global Warming
I was a lead writer of a 2007 study that explains how philanthropy can help turn the tide against global warming.

Drone Imagery for Water Story in The Colorado Sun
I used my drone to capture imagery for a story about a Navajo community in southeast Utah that has tried for more than 20 years to bring clean running water to its residents.

Stellar Camping: Tips and Tricks for Camping Trips
I built a website and blog that offers tips and tricks for camping trips.

Website Design: legaledits.com
I created legaledits.com, a website that explains the legal and editing services provided by an attorney.

EcoWest: Tracking Environmental Trends in the American West
To support a foundation’s work on Western conservation, I created a website that analyzed and visualized data on environmental trends in the region.

Endangered: Biodiversity on the Brink
My award-winning book explores why so many species are at risk of extinction and evaluates the Endangered Species Act.

Water Funder Initiative: Blueprint for Philanthropy
I served as lead communications consultant to a consortium of foundations working on Western water issues.

WaterPolls.org: Public Opinion on Water Issues
With support from foundations, I developed a website to track public opinion research on water issues.

David and Lucile Packard Foundation Western Conservation evaluation
From 2010 to 2014, I served as an independent evaluator of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation’s Western Conservation Subprogram.